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C Programming Language

C Programming Language


       C is a computer programming language. Which is developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 at AT and & T's Bell Laboratories in the USA to develop the Units Operating System.C is a Simple and Structured Programming Language. It is Based on OOP's(Object Oriented Programming)'Concept. It is Also called Mother Language of all languages. All other programming languages directly or indirectly has developed from C programming concept.

       At the present time, there are many uses of C language.
  • Designed Operating System.
  • Design Language Compilers.
  • Design Database.
  • Design Language Interpreters.
  • Designed utility software.
  • Network Drivers.
  • Assemblers.

What is a Programming Language?


        The computer is an electronic machine.which is set of mainly two components Software and Hardware. It's Hardware works on the basis of software. we give instructions to the computer system with the help of software.
        The computer system only can understand the binary language, which is in the form of 0's and 1's. Binary Language is totally hardware-dependent which may differ from machine to machine.
So, It is too difficult to learn the binary language. Hence we use programming languages to solve this problem.
       Programming language works as a medium between human and computer system for communication. This is the set of instructions. Every instruction is unique a set of keywords and some special symbols. The Keywords are predefined in every programming language.

        When we write the programming code, we submit it to some special type of software like compiler, interpreters or others, which converts this code into machine code. So that machine can understand it and perform the task.    

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